The Safest Headless Drupal 8 with Elm

Amitai Burtein // @amitaibu


Generate JavaScript with great performance and no runtime exceptions

module Counter exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)


type alias Model =

emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =


type Msg
    = Decrement
    | Increment

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Decrement ->
            ( model - 1
            , Cmd.none

        Increment ->
            ( model + 1
            , Cmd.none


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString model) ]
        , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]


type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , image : String
    , preparationTime: Int


Types 101

type Bool = False | True
type DifficultyLevel
    = Easy
    | Normal
    | Hard

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , image : String
    , preparationTime: Int
    , difficultyLevel : DifficultyLevel

If something can go wrong, it will
Murphy's law
type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , isCarnivore : Bool
    , isVegetarian : Bool
    , isVegan : Bool

iAmConfused : Recipe
iAmConfused =
    { title = "A vegan steak?!"
    , ..
    , isCarnivore = True
    , isVegetarian = False
    , isVegan = True

type DietaryRestriction
    = Carnivore
    | Vegetarian
    | Vegan

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , dietaryRestriction : DietaryRestriction

thatIsBetter : Recipe
thatIsBetter =
    { title = "A vegan steak!"
    , ..
    , dietaryRestriction = Vegan

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , preparationTime : Int
    , cookingTime : ?

{ title: "foo"
, preparationTime: 10,
, cookingTime: null

!empty ?

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , preparationTime : Int
    , cookingTime : Maybe Int

iceCream : Recipe
iceCream =
    { title = "Ice Cream"
    , ..
    , preparationTime = 10
    , cookingTime = Nothing

pizza : Recipe
pizza =
    { title = "Pizza"
    , ..
    , preparationTime = 10
    , cookingTime = Just 15

type PreparationTimes
    = NoPreparation
    | Preparation Int (Maybe Int)

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , preparationTimes : PreparationTimes

iceCreamFromRefrigerator : Recipe
iceCreamFromRefrigerator =
    { title = "Ice Cream for lazy people"
    , ..
    , preparationTimes = NoPreparation

pizza : Recipe
pizza =
    { title = "Pizza"
    , ..
    , preparationTimes = Preparation 10 (Just 15)

type PreparationTimes
    = NoPreparation
    | Preparation Int (Maybe Int)

viewPreparationTimes : Recipe -> Html msg
viewPreparationTimes recipe =
    case recipe.preparationTimes of
        NoPreparation ->
            text "No preparation required"

        Preparation time Nothing ->
            text "Takes " ++ (String.fromInt time) ++
                    "minutes, but no cooking"

        Preparation time (Just cookingTime) ->
            text "Takes " ++ (String.fromInt time) ++
                    " minutes and " ++ (String.fromInt cookingTime) ++
                    " minutes for cooking"

How to model the states of an HTTP request?
type WebData a
    = NotAsked
    | Loading
    | Failure Http.Error
    | Success a

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , preparationTimes : WebData PreparationTimes

viewPreparationTimes : Recipe -> Html msg
viewPreparationTimes recipe =
    case recipe.preparationTimes of
        Failure error ->
            text "Error loading"

        Success preparationTimes ->
            case preparationTimes of
                NoPreparation ->
                    text "No preparation required"

                -- ..
        _ ->
            text "Loading ..."


type alias Ingredient =
    { name: String
    , price : Int

type alias Recipe =
    { title: String
    , ..
    , ingredients : List Ingredient

map & fold

viewIngredients : Recipe -> Html msg
viewIngredients recipe =
              ( \ingredient -> li [] [ text ] )

viewTotalPrice : Recipe -> Html msg
viewTotalPrice recipe =
        ( \ingredient accum -> accum + ingredient.price )