Smart Websites for Smart People
Complex Doesn't Need to be Complicated

Reigning in Your Web Presence: Brand Control and Cost Efficiency in the Higher Ed Web
Adam Stewart, CTO USA

Who we are

gizra // 20+ people // distributed across the world // some fancy clients

The European Commission

Knowledge sharing across sponsored projects.

The United Nations

Presenting vast amounts of complex content.

Harvard University

Enabling push-button creation of websites.

The Higher Ed Landscape is Changing

The Higher Ed Landscape is Changing

The Higher Ed Landscape is Changing

Students are customers.

(and everything else that means)

But Colleges & Universities are Medieval

(they "literally can't even")

Are we missing the mark?

(they "literally can't even")

Can the strength of Liberal Arts Education be the Strength of Web Strategy?

Millennials seem to think so

How do you use the intellectual freedom of the university, yet maintain brand and control cost?

What if faculty or projects with limited technical capabilities could quickly and easily spin up websites with consistent brand messaging?
What if it had out-of-the-box, sensible defaults for academics.
What if they chose it over the other options available to them.

Multisite system - "One database to rule them all!"

  • Communications: Brand Control // Analytics - System Wide
  • IT: Single Point of Upgrade and Support
  • Faculty: Web Presence Catered to their Needs, Easy to Use.

Complex doesn't need to be complicated

gizra builds elegant solutions for complex needs.
